First Session: March 2016 to August 2016 | ||
Examination | Month | Marks |
1st unit test | 5th May to 11th May | 50 |
Half Yearly Examination | 1st Week of September | F.M.-100 (90+10) |
Performance Evaluation | |
Internal Assessment | 30 marks |
Class and Home Assignment work | 20 marks |
N.B. Final evaluation is done on the basis of marks obtained in the Half Yearly Examination and 10 marks in the Half Yearly Examination is the average of mark obtained in the 1st unit test, internal assessment and assignment work (class work and home work)
Second Session: September 2016 to February 2017 | ||
Examination | Month | Marks |
2nd unit test | 1st to 6th December | 50 |
Annual Examination | 1st Week of February | F.M.-100 (70+20+10) |
Performance Evaluation | |
Internal Assessment | 30 marks |
Class and Home Assignment work | 20 marks |
N.B. Final evaluation is done on the basis of marks obtained in the Annual Examination, 20 marks in the Annual Examination is the average of marks obtained in the Half Yearly examination and 10 marks in the Annual Examination is the average of marks obtained in the 2nd unit test, internal Assessment and assignment work (class work and home work)
1. Neither the Evaluation nor the written tests/examinations will be pre-poned or post-poned for those student who are absent from school.2. Answer sheets and Report Card of Half Yearly Examination will be shown to the parents during the scholastic year.
3. Report Card of the Half Yearly Examination will be taken home by the Parents and which must be returned within two (2) days, to the respective class teacher duly signed by the Parent/Guardian. While at the time of Annual Examination the Report Card must be collected by the Parent/Guardian along with the student, the date will be notified during the academic year.
4. If the absence of the child is not condoned, he/she will be marked absent and will be awarded ZERO.
5. If schedule date of any examination is holiday the test will be taken on the next date as will be given.
N.B. Information regarding any change in Day, Date and Student of Examinations will be intimated well in advance to the student through their diaries.